
Work Life Balance Planner for Busy Entrepreneurs eBook

Original price was: $14.97.Current price is: $7.48.

The Work Life Balance Planner is a step-by-step guide for helping you achieve a healthy balance between your work and personal lives. With 8 simple steps to walk through it will give you a chance to asses where you are at now, what you want your priorities to be and how to set yourself up for better balance in your life.


Running your own business is stressful. Usually you have a million tasks to juggle and it’s easy for the other parts of your life to get squeezed out – things like family, friends, hobbies and even your health.

It’s easy for your business to take over your life, but that can lead to burnout and thoughts of selling or shutting your business. But there is a way to enjoy success in your business while still having a personal life and it’s all about achieving a work life balance.

With the right balance, you’ll be able to:

  • Manage time better and get more done
  • Maintain optimal physical and mental health
  • Stay focused on one thing at a time
  • Prevent burnout
  • Live life the way you want – even as your business grows

Enter the Work Life Balance Planner.

A step-by-step guide for helping you achieve a healthy balance between your work and personal lives. With 8 simple steps to walk through it will give you a chance to asses where you are at now, what you want your priorities to be and how to set yourself up for better balance in your life.

What’s Inside?

The Work Life Balance Planner takes you though guides and exercises through 8 steps to:

  • Step 1: Assess Your Current Work-Life Balance
  • Step 2: Define Your Priorities
  • Step 3: Create Your Schedule
  • Step 4: Automate, Delegate, and Outsource
  • Step 5: Set Yourself Up For Success
  • Step 6: Prioritize Your Self-Care
  • Step 7: Choose Your Tech Tools
  • Step 8: Create Your Work-Life Balance Plan

In this 97 page planner you will find everything you need to work through the steps including space to write answers to questions, notes and even templates for creating your daily and weekly plans.

Your journey to stress less and enjoy your business and life more begins now.