If you’re on this website, you are probably one of those who would like to make some extra cash from home. Maybe you are even wanting to become a full time work from home mum. There are many ways to make money from home, and they may not all be that difficult or phoney! Here are a few quick ones to get some cash flowing.
- Sell Unwanted Goods
You probably have many items in your house which you keep/stash, and you will never use them. They may be clothing, electronics, household gadgets, or all the old toys the kids don’t play with anymore. This time of year is a great time to clean out anything that’s not used, or has been replaced with new things over the holidays. You can hold a garage sale, or advertise on eBay or Gumtree. A current trend is to list it on the Facebook marketplace or a Facebook group which allows you to buy, sell or swap items with other Facebook users who are living in your area. Easy!
- Undertake Paid Surveys
Paid surveys can pay you in cash or bonus points, which is a good use of your time whilst you are on the internet anyway! This is quick and easy, and signing up is free and simple. You simply have no excuse. Check out sites like PureProfile and Toluna. You do not even have to leave the house, giving you an easy way regarding how to make money from home.
- Join Focus Groups
Market research companies require focus groups to be run, and you will probably need to leave your house and join one if it is run in the city. If this will not be a problem, it is a good alternative to earning $60 to $150 per session that usually runs for 1 to 1.5 hours.
- Be a Babysitter
If you are not squeamish around babies or toddlers, try converting your spare night sitting in front of the television to a night of earning extra cash by minding other people’s children. After all, you get to hand them back after a few hours!
- Become a Pet Sitter
If you love pets, there are many people in need of pet sitters while they go away on holidays. This involves things like going to someone’s home and feeding and playing with their pets, taking pets into your own home to look after them or even staying in someone’s house while they are away. Sites like MadPaws allow you to register as a pet sitter so people in your area can contact you.
- Become an Etsy Seller
Are you good with your hands? Do you produce amazing products just by sewing or stringing a few things together? It is now easy to set up an account online with platforms such as Etsy or Facebook, and you can create an amazing page to showcase all your wonderful products. By selling your products online instead of a craft market, it is definitely one of many ways regarding how to make money from home.
Of course, there are many more ways to make money from home, however these are some quick and easy ways to get started earning some extra cash.
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