LinkedIn has developed into an effective networking and employment took for people. They can use the platform to connect with companies, individuals, and friends. They can use their connections online to attain employment. By using their connections to get a job, we do not mean they are a shoe in for the job.
The connections they make can have a resounding affect on the interviewer. In fact, having a presence on the site can help you secure a job. In order for you to get a call back, you need to use LinkedIn to your full advantage. Here is how you can do that:
Familiarize Yourself with the Profile of the Company
Before you go in for an interview with a company, be sure to check out the LinkedIn profile of the company. You can visit “Company Pages” on the site to see what the company has written about itself. On there, you can find past projects, recent news about the company, and the company’s history.
You can use the information as a guide to help you formulate questions you might have about the company. When you share your knowledge of the company with the interviewer, he/she will surely be impressed.
Investigate the Profiles of Current Employees in the Company
To find where you fall short in terms of qualifications and experience, you can check out the LinkedIn profiles of the current employees working for the company. When you are being interviewed, do not shy away from telling the interviewer about your shortcomings, but tell them where you lack and what are your plans to overcome them, as your plan to become an asset to the company one day.
Become an Industry Insider
On LinkedIn, you can also find industry groups, which you can use to gain information on the specific industry you want to work in. Before you begin to hunt for jobs, you need to join two or more industry groups to gain an understanding of the industry.
On your interview, you can use what you learnt to impress the interviewer. He/she will see that you will be an asset to their company, as you have a good amount of knowledge about the industry. Even if you are currently employed, being knowledgeable about your industry is important, as you should always know the latest news and advancements in your industry.
LinkedIn has become a good source for people who are looking for a job. The job-oriented site provides both businesses and people with the ability to investigate each other. If you do not have a LinkedIn yet, you should make one, as it has proven to be a useful tool for people.
If you are ready to hunt for a job, you, first, need to make a LinkedIn account, find information about the company, and information about the industry, and then go and apply with them.