Like many people, you would probably like to make some extra cash. Whether it’s for a holiday or special occasion or just to have some extra money for bills or purchases. There are a few ways to make some quick money from home, and they’re not all that difficult.
When you think about making some extra cash quickly, your mind tends to go to get rich quick scams. However if you look at your current skills, or even just what’s around your house, you will find many ways to earn a bit of extra cash for whatever you need.
7 Ways to earn some extra money quickly
Sell Unwanted Goods
You probably have heaps of items in your house which you are never going to use again. This could be clothing, electronics or even household items. Get rid of them! It’s the perfect opportunity to clean up and declutter your house and make some extra cash.
You can hold a garage sale or advertise on websites like eBay or Gumtree. A current trend to move things quickly is to list them on Facebook Marketplace or in Facebook buy swap and sell groups. This allows you to access other users who are living in your area. Easy!
Undertake Paid Surveys
If you’ve got a bit of spare time, instead of sitting on social media, earn some money through surveys. Some companies will pay you for your time giving opinions on various products and services. Paid surveys can pay you in cash or bonus points, which is a good use of your time whilst you are on the internet anyway!
The best thing about online surveys and getting paid is you don’t need to be an expert in anything, really. Whether you are a student, employed or unemployed, you have a chance of making money through online surveys. You don’t even need good writing skills. All you need to do is provide the companies your thoughts about their products and they are willing to pay you for the info. They are asking for it because they can make design or packaging changes, according to your suggestions and ideas. They will pay you even if you have negative feedback in your survey because it can help them remove some potential fault from their products.
However, you need to be wary when going ahead with trying to earn from online surveys because there are some scammers out there trying to get rich through fake surveys. They ask the people to pay a small initial fee, and when enough people sign up for the service, they disappear from the face of the earth with the money. So, you need to be careful about the legitimacy of the company for whom you do the surveys.
Although surveys are a legitimate way of earning money, the amount you get form them can vary, and may not be much for each one. So you may not be able to become a full time WAHM on surveys alone, but they can form part of your overall money earning strategy, or give you a bit of extra cash along the way.
Join Focus Groups
Like paid surveys, market research companies run focus groups to give opinions on products, advertising and various other things. These sessions are generally run in a group at a central location. Sessions usually run for a couple of hours, but most companies pay you a nominal fee for your time.
Become a Babysitter or Pet sitter
If you are not squeamish around babies or toddlers, try converting your spare night sitting in front of the television to a night of earning extra cash by minding other people’s children. After all, you get to hand them back after a few hours!
If you love animals, look at becoming a pet sitter. Sites like MadPaws allow you to register as a pet sitter to help look after peoples pets when then go on holidays. You can do it in your own home by taking in peoples pets for a few days, weeks or more, or spend some time every day feeding and checking on people’s animals in their homes.
Become an Etsy Seller
Are you good with your hands? Do you produce amazing products just by sewing or stringing a few things together? It is now easy to set up an account online with platforms such as Etsy or Facebook, and you can create an amazing page to showcase all your wonderful products. By selling your products online instead of a craft market, it is definitely one of many ways to make a bit of extra cash from home.
Rent out your car or caravan
Perhaps you are simply letting your car sit in the garage or the side street idly on weekdays whilst you take public transport to work. If you are game enough, you can make money by renting it out on sites like Car Next Door or Drive My Car. You can even decide whether to rent it out on a daily or hourly rate.
Do you have a caravan or camper trailer sitting around doing nothing? Sites like Camplify allow you to rent it to people for cash. Great for those times when you can’t get out and about, why not let it make you some money.
Hire out your skills
Are you great at putting together furniture? Are you an amazing packer when you are moving house? Do you love gardening? Whatever you are good at, hire out those skills on sites like Airtasker. There are people willing to pay for just about anything, either because they can’t, don’t have time or don’t want to do it themselves.
Many people feel that making a bit of extra cash is time-consuming, or requires a driving passion or skill which they feel they do not have. However, all it takes is a bit of outside thinking and looking around us. There are plenty of opportunities to make money fast with the things we already have! And yes, most of these opportunities do not require capital. So, what are you waiting for?